Welcome everyone! My name is Susannah and I have created this Blog for many different purposes but most of all I hope and pray that the LORD would be glorified in all that is done on this Blog. There is a section for homeschooling questions and advice. Odds-N-ends for publishing essays, poems, short stories and such. Recipes, for sharing recipes. 'sharing' a place for sharing verses and prayer requests, songs and praises. Helping hands is for sharing ministry opportunities or ask for volunteers for something or offering some item for free or for sale. The Adoption Gazette is for "articles" on adoption and orphans, stories about adoption, missions trips for working with orphans (pretty much anything to do with orphans!) and Questions... basically you get to ask any random question (i.e My new born has the colic does anyone know what I should do?) and then people can try to give helpful advice.
to register to be able to post in any of these categories please go to that category and enter your name and email and a little blurb about yourself, what church you go to that sort of thing, into the 'Contact Form' and send. I will send you an invitation to the blog and some tips on how to get started and more detailed instructions on what to do!
Thank you, and God bless.
Susannah Baffa
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